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It also led to a reaction by a group of debunkers to form the Committee for the Scientific Investigation of the Claims of the Paranormal. This interest, which led directly to the New Age movement of the 1980s, provided a continued wealth of material for parapsychologists to examine. The production of this massively ambitious work was sparked by a heightened interest in psychic phenomena, the occult, witchcraft, and related topics in the 1970s. Later, editor Leslie Shepard took on the task of updating their observations and supplementing the volume with new entries. The first edition, published in 1978, brought together the texts of two of the standard reference works in the field, Lewis Spence’s Encyclopedia of Occultism (1920) and Nandor Fodor’s Encyclopedia of Psychic Science (1934). Introduction This fifth edition of the Encyclopedia of Occultism & Parapsychology (EOP) continues the tradition established by its predecessors in providing the most comprehensive coverage of the fields of occultism and parapsychology. Farmington Hills, MI 48331-3535 All rights reserved including the right of reproduction in whole or in part of any form. outlook email settings

All rights to the publication will be vigorously defended. The authors and editors of this work have added value to the underlying factual material herein through one or more of the following: unique and original selection, coordination, expression, arrangement, and classification of the information. This publication is creative work fully protected by all applicable copyright laws, as well as by misappropriation, trade secret, unfair competition and other applicable laws. Errors brought to the attention of the publisher and verified to the satisfaction of the publisher will be corrected in future editions. Gale accepts no payment for listing and inclusion in the publication of any organization, agency, institutional, publication, service, or individual does not imply endorsement of the editors or publisher. While every effort has been made to ensure the reliability of the information presented in this publication, Gale does not guarantee the accuracy of the data contained herein. Yarrow, Manager, Imaging and Multimedia Content Tracey Rowens, Senior Art Director Michael Logusz, Graphic Artist Datapage Technologies International, Inc., Typesetting outlook email settings

Dear, Contributing Associate Editor Jason Everett, Contributing Assistant Editor Rita Runchock, Managing Editor Mary Beth Trimper, Production Director Evi Seoud, Production Manager Rita Wimberley, Buyer Kenn Zorn, Manager, Production Design Barbara J. outlook email settings

Gordon Melton Gale Group Staff Jolen Marya Gedridge, Editor Christy Wood, Associate Editor Pamela A. A Compendium of Information on the Occult Sciences, Magic, Demonology, Superstitions, Spiritism, Mysticism, Metaphysics, Psychical Science, and Parapsychology, with Biographical and Bibliographical Notes and Comprehensive Indexes FIFTH EDITION outlook email settings