
Her miasma has a 24 second cooldown early game.


Go in with E + Q3 and then hit her as much as possible before she's able to use abilities again, and BACK OUT with E2 before she uses her miasma. If her miasma is up, you want to go for super short trades where it won't screw you over. Rush tier 2 boots asap so you can dodge her skill shots more easily. Her ultimate will stun you on the spot if you're facing in her direction, and she will shred you to pieces with twin fangs if you're poisoned. Yeager says “Cassio can screw you over with her miasma, making you unable to use any movement abilities/summs including Q3, E1, E2, R and flash.


If you hit your W E Q's combo you have a good chance at winning but otherwise I'd just push and roam because it's a rather annoying and difficult matchup (kind of like Azir).” A good player might also try to kill you pre 6 and kick you out of the lane. The impossible thing to dodge is the R->Flash ult - so keep in mind that a good player might do that to kill you. (You need some practice for this but in time it becomes easy). Her ult is highly predictable and you can dodge it if you turn around right when you see the animation starting. You can play the range advantage with your Q but if you get close be careful since her movement speed (phase rush maybe) can make you miss your W. Early try to get boots as fast as you can to dodge as many Q's as you can (since Q enables her).


Rather difficult matchup if it's a very good Cassio. Start Corrupting if you think you will not hit your W's (or you will get poked down) and you rely more on wave clear/spammy poke (you will be way more squisher but more durable - this is recommended if you are sure you will not get hit by CC spells and instantly die). Drewmatth Taliyah says “Start Doran + 2 Pots if 1) You think you can outplay her and hit your W's to generate a kill at levels 3-5 or 2) You think she will burst you down post 6 (get an extra ring).
